Weekly Update February 26th

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Hello!  We attended the Renaissance Festival yesterday. It was really fun. Thank you to the chaperones, teachers and staff that make it possible for us to attend.

In 6th Grade we are finishing our Middle Ages project presentations. Student are also reading a self-selected novel. In 5th Grade students are presenting their Immigration Story and reading self-selected novels. The rest of this week will be used to assemble student portfolios of work.

Students in 7th hour are working hard on reading strategies and practicing math fluency each day. The Ted Talk Tuesdays have generated some really good discussion. I hope your student is sharing these thoughts and new skills with you each week. It is amazing to see the Ah Ha! moments each afternoon.


Next week, we will be setting goals for the upcoming (and last!) quarter of sixth grade. Students will share their data and insights with parents and family during Student Led Portfolio Conferences March 4-6. Here is the link to sign up if you have not already done so. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084ba8ad2fa7ff2-student

That’s all for now. Thank you for your continued support.


Ms. Risan